Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Howard - The musings of a little man...

Much has been made of the wee man's intervention in domestic US politics, though unlike some, I don't have an issue with his right to express his opinion, after all they're like arseholes - everybody has one.

However just because you are free to express yourself doesn't mean what you say will make any sense.

Attacking Obama's position is misguided given Howard hasn't got a clue about solving the problems in Iraq, nor does he seem to care too much.

Why so harsh?

Well Howard has elevated partisan politics above sensible public policy, evidence of this is his blind support for the Bush administration's policies and relative silence on Bush's rejection of the recommendations in the Baker Group report, itself the only bipartisan analysis of the options facing the 'coalition'.

Obama hit the nail on the head when he questioned our contribution, something Labor has failed to do so far during the course of the war.

I mean if we are such great Allies of the State's that Howard claims we are why do we only ever have about 1000 troops in Iraq at any one time?

What's worse, making no effort or a half-arsed one?

At least making no effort takes honesty to say why we wouldn't want to be there....

On a related note two weeks after Senator Biden mistakenly called Obama 'African-American', Michael Gawenda - The Age's US Correspondent no less - seems to have done a Jayson Blair (at least with respect to his reporting accuracy).

Writing in today's Age Gawenda also describes Obama as African-American, prompting the question where has he been for the last two weeks??

Good to see that the standards of Australian journalism have improved, now where is my copy of the Guardian....

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